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"With the clients chosen by the lab and the informal oral presentations finished, the
teams started refining ideas and designs this week. Major strides have been taken in designing
the exterior shape and interior layouts are being discussed. Research on materials and
sustainable ideas also continues, with the costing team working on the costs of procuring such
material, construction and maintenance costs. The week concluded with formal oral
presentations on Friday where teams presented their progress thus far."
"After researching piping materials on the market, the civil
team has chosen a relatively new material called PEX piping. PEX is flexible, can carry hot water
safely (unlike PVC), is a good insulator preserving heat in the water and is also easy to install
with competitive pricing."
"Architecture has
also been working on the type of landscaping and value added spaces to be incorporated
around the structure such as green space and is considering a space for small businesses such
as a coffee shop and convenience store to provide job opportunities and integrate the structure
with the community."
"Rent for the tenants is also
being looked at and appears to definitely fall into the affordable housing category with rent
well below the average Calgary apartment. Costing has taken into account the cellulose
insulation as decided by civil as well as the PEX piping and used preliminary ideas from the
interior and architecture teams to base their budget. It will be revised and finalized as the
project continues."
"Windows have been considered and it was
found that for the extra cost, plexiglass does not provide sufficient energy benefits. Thus, sheet
glass with an argon layer between has been chosen as the argon is the main factor in the
energy efficiency of the windows. Research has also begun on capturing rain water and the
possibility of reusing grey water (water that is relatively clean from showers, taps etc.) but such
decisions are pending a cost-benefit analysis."

Larissa + Red D