
Week 1: Root-causes of homelessness workshop

Each week we run 4.5 hours of labs for 6 groups of about 110 students. This week we started the lab with a root-causes of homelessness workshop developed this past summer with one of our research students. The workshop is based on a root-causes of poverty workshop that was developed by Engineers Without Borders. Below is the overview of the workshop:

Root Causes of Homelessness in Canada: Risk, Trigger and Trap


1. Read through the client story in a group of four.
2. Write down causes and effects on sticky notes.
3. Stick them on the paper, drawing arrows from the causes to the effects.
(Note: Some causes may also be effects.)
4. Brainstorm additional causes and effects.
5. Discuss your client’s story and your chart with your lab. As other groups present, add other causes and effects that are not already on your chart.

Group Discussion/Logbook Reflection

1. Of the causes, which ones are risk factors for homelessness? Which can directly trigger homelessness?
2. Which circumstances are both causes and effects?
3. Identify the traps: circumstances that prevent individuals from improving their situation.
4. There are several reasons to help homeless people: moral obligation, social well being, economic benefit, etc. What is yours?

The client stories are stories of real people living in Calgary. Local author and journalist Susan Scott kindly gave us permission to use these stories from her book "No Fixed Address".
The students created maps of the causes and effects and gave brief presentations about their client. I saw 7 group present this morning and was very happy with the way the students discussed their maps. I will post a few maps later today.