
Quotes from Sustainability Teams

“Cost estimates for solar, gray water, building materials,
research appliance energy usage, and other energy saving options”
“Research sustainability relating to societal implementation of affordable housing (i.e: ability of a community to support affordable projects)
Research sustainable practices relating to use of energy, non-renewable resources, and relegation of used materials and waste
Each member of the group is going to research their respective topics including: sustainable practices, sustainable materials and sustainable construction process.”
“Researched CHP heating device
Researched twin-use solar panels
Researched blue jean and cellulose insulation
Researched energy efficient appliances
Researched energy efficient lighting
Researched geothermal heating”
“Additional research, compared alternatives to incandescent lighting and researched other methods of reducing lighting cost such better usage of natural light. Also compared alternative designs for photovoltaic panels.”

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