
Quotes from Sustainability Teams

“Our research has found that most green appliances cost more initially, but the energy that they save more than covers the initial deficit.”
“We feel that a build team should be made (a team of volunteers, or one representative from each small team) so that the prototype can be designed and constructed as this will be an integral part of this project.”
“Meeting for select Neighborhood
Finalize Neighborhood
Meeting for select area, units
Finalize area, number of units, and floors.
Meeting for Graphs
Graphs of Civil and Interior Design
Facebook posts
Interim report
Print Interim Report”
− Planned the use of geothermal energy along with passive solar to lower long term energy use
− Plan to use bamboo instead of timber as it is a renewable resource”
“We will also be receiving materials lists and dimensions of materials in order to calculate environmental impact using a trial version impact calculator, called the ATHENA Impact calculator.”
“Also, for the social sustainability aspect which Ben mentioned, I researched the guidelines for the triple bottom line policy. This is basically a policy which would evaluate the overall sustainability of a project. The policy itself is used by the City of Calgary Council. It has 23 themes, each of which falls under the categories of environment, social, economical, or integrated. It’s basically a guideline to evaluate sustainability.”
“Work Completed:
- research water uses, construction practices, heat recovery, appliances, solar
- estimate costs and practicalities of environmentally friendly practices”

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